Tuesday, October 21, 2008

WorldWise Marine

WorldWise Marine combines different skills that can contribure to the success of shipyards, tugboat operators, salvors, the insurance community or dredging companies.

As a worldwide tugbroker, WorldWise Marine Brokers BV has gathered a wealth of knowledge on tugs, supply vessels, barges and other resources available,a cross the globe. On www.tugbroker.com we offer you instant access to our database of vesselsa vailablef or sale/purchaseo r charter, includingt he most recently monitored positions and destinations of a selection of these vessels.

WorldWise Marine Engineering offers its naval architecture and marine engineerings ervicesa s an autonomous,i ndependentc, onsultingc om-Pany.

The company has substantial experrise and know-how in the design of specialisedm arine craft such as tugboats and supply vessels. During a consulting assignment the following four consecutive phases can be distinguished:
- Feasibility Study
- Definition / Specification
- Design / Development
- Realisation/ lmplementation

E-mail: wijsmuller@worldwisemarine.com
Website: www.worldwisemarine.com

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