Ceres Paragon - the 2lst Century first of it's kind container terminal, focuses on overall efficiency and cost effectiveness, high productivity and fast turn-around times for vessels and trucks.
The key elements that make all this possible are:
· 62 Hectares, I million TEU, 1.5 million TEU expansion option
· Indented Berch, 40ox57m, max 9 simultaneous Gantry Cranes on I vessel
· At least 250 moves per hour (9 cranes on I vessel) in the Indented Berth
· 6 | 5m classic quay, max 5 (out of 9) Gantry Cranes on I vessel
· Alf cranes have a22 container outreach
· 300m barge terminal, 2 cranes, 16 rows between legs, 5 containers high' 3200 TEU
· 2 (max 5) 700m rail track, each 90 TEUs, I (later 2) crane[s]
· 4 Reefer stacks, total of 500 reefers (expanded to 830)
· Automated gate process, 180 truck/hr, 3O-concurrent trucks transfer area, Optical
· Container lD Reading
· Cutting edge, almost paper-less Customs Process
· Flexible, well-trained multi-purpose workforce
· No tide influence
Ceres Amsterdam Marine Terminals is a multi-purpose facility. The main activities are RoRo-, container-, cocoa and break-bulk handling and are housing. The terminal (32 ha) has a 1,344m berth (incl. RoRo ramps) with 3 container cranes and l3 other ship to shore cranes. Water depth is l3 meters. All kinds of cargo handling equipment is available. The terminal also features 38'000sq'm warehouse space and 220 reefer receptacles. A very experienced staff is giving the right care to your cargo. Amsterdam is the largest cocoa port in the world. Ceres Amsterdam Marine Terminal is an important handler of this cocoa. Ceres not only discharges the cocoa from the vessel but also organizes the transport of the cocoa to the receivers warehouses and all related activities such as weighing, dumping and cleaning of containers.